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Dalineox Klenoty Sissi

Obchodna 4, 07101, Michalovce

Na trhu so šperkami a hodinkami pôsobíme od roku 2010 a táto filozofia je našou prioritou. Prinášame ľuďom krásu a radosť prenesenú do šperkov a hodiniek, pretože bez týchto „drobností“ by bol náš život iba čiernobiely.


MeetyBRAND provides a 2 year international guarantee for its products.

  • Guarantee of originality - we check and guarantee the origin of our goods.
  • Within 14 days it is possible to return the unworn products back.
  • Customer service - write or call us at any time.

Learn more about warranty terms.

Contact information

 +421 56 38 10 407